Symbolism in Saraswati Puja: Profound Layers of Significance

The celebration of Saraswati Puja, a festival honoring the goddess responsible for wisdom knowledge and art is much more than just routine; it has deep layers in its symbols that add colors to Hindu customs.

Yellow Attire: The main colour associated with Saraswati Puja is yellow, which symbolizes the vitality of spring and mind awakening. Worshippers and students, in particulars wear yellow clothes to symbolize the energy of creativity and knowledge that emanates from Goddess.

Floral Adornments: The goddess of learning, Saraswati is decorated with flowers especially marigold that stands for purity and the beauty in knowledge. The floral trimmings impart a sense of divinity, complementing the heavenly atmosphere associated with puja.

Books and Musical Instruments: The idea of Saraswati Puja is the worshiping books and musical instruments. Such tools laid at the feet of goddess represent the divine origin of knowledge. Worshipers seek Saraswati’s grace for knowledge and art.

White Attire of Saraswati: Goddess Saraswati is ordinarily clothed in white clothes representing purity and the clearness of true knowledge. The white costumes symbolize the knowledge of transcendence, which eradicates darkness from ignorance.

Knowledge as a Garland: In some depictions, Saraswati is portrayed with a crown of crystal-white pearls which stand for the purity and luminous quality of authentic knowledge. The garland, then becomes a visual metaphor for the transformative power of wisdom.

Swan as a Symbol: It is not simply a companion to Saraswati that recommends the swan but also it serves as an emblem of ‘right and wrong’, pointing toward its discriminating nature.