Surya Namaskar

Harmonizing Body and Sun: Benefits of Suryanamaskar

Suryanamaskar or the Sun Salutation is a combination of yogasan and pranayama in terms of devoting to the Sun. This yogic routine, when practiced at sunrise or in the evening is important because sunlight activates serotonin release and stabilizes mood, reduces depression, anxiety, and stimulates bone health.Sunlight increases vitamin D, which is essential in calcium absorption and immune functioning.Suryanamaskar has ten or twelve movements that are coordinated with breath control. Chanting the mantras connected with every movement ensures harmony between body, breath and mind.

All movements have a purpose, increasing flexibility and strength with the intention of improving overall health. Every movement includes breath regulation.

Step 1: Hastauttanasana (Raised Arms Pose) 

Expands chest; Stretches abdominal organs. 

Step 2: Padahastasana 

Enhances blood circulation to the brain, promotes digestion, stretches the spine, and improves flexibility in the waist and spine.

Step 3: Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian Pose) 

Fortifies the quadriceps and spine, invigorates abdominal organs, and enhances flexibility in the spine and neck. 

Step 4: Dandasana (Stick Pose) 

Enhances arm and back strength, promotes improved posture, and stretches the shoulders and chest for increased flexibility. 

Step 5: Ashtanga Namaskara (Salute with Eight Parts Pose) 

Enhabces strength and flexibility of the back and spine. 

Step 6: Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) 

Promotes stimulation and expansion of the chest and abdominal organs. 

Step 7: Parvatasana (Mountain Pose) 

Builds strength in legs, arms, spine, and calf muscles while promoting increased blood circulation to the spinal region. 

Step 8: Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian Pose) 

Fortifies the quadriceps and spine, invigorates abdominal organs, and enhances flexibility in the spine and neck.

Step 9: Padahastasana 

Enhances blood circulation to the brain, promotes digestion, stretches the spine, and improves flexibility in the waist and spine.

Step 10: Pranamasana (Prayer Pose) 

Surya Namaskar poses promotes relaxation and tranquility for the body, mind, and nervous system. Facilitates overall body balance and harmony

Surya Namaskar
Courtesy: pexels-elina-fairytale

The 13 Suryanamaskar mantras are respectful to the Sun and meanings which underscore its dispersing, illuminating, essential qualities. Before the yoga is performed, a mantra should be recited. The vibrations generated by the chanting of this mantra are very subtle and harmonize the body, breath and mind. The 13 Suryanamaskar mantras with their associated meaning: 

The friend of all, OM Mitraaya Namah

The shinning or the radiant one, OM Ravaye Namah

The remover of darkness, OM Suryaya Namah

The one who illuminates, OM Bhaanave Namah

Sky Treader, OM Khagaya Namah

The giver of sustenance and satisfaction, OM Pooshne Namah

A person who has a golden-coloured lustre, OM Hiranya Garbhaya Namah

Giver of light, OM Mareechaye Namah

The son of Aditi, the cosmic divine mother, OM Aadityaaya namah

The one who is responsible for life, OM Savitre Namah

One who deserves glory and praise, OM Arkaaya Namah

The provider of knowledge and cosmic light, OM Bhaskaraya Namah

The learned one, OM Shri Savitru Suryanarayanaaya Namah

Surya Namaskar serves as a comprehensive full-body workout, elevating cardiovascular fitness, sculpting muscles, and assisting in weight management. It promotes digestion, enhances blood circulation, and increases energy levels. The synchronized breathwork induces a calming effect on the mind, alleviating stress and anxiety. Consistent practice fosters mental clarity, emotional equilibrium, and an overall sense of inner harmony, establishing it as a vital component of a holistic and revitalizing fitness regimen.