Benefits of waking up early – Hinduism’s natural rhythmic tradition

The saying “Early to bed, Early to rise Makes one healthy, wealthy and wise” is a measure of the profound wisdom in Hindu culture. In particular it emphasizes early rising. Dinacharya is a practice that links your daily routine to the natural cycle of daytime. Taking ‘Din’ (which means day) and Acharya, Dinacharya describes a comprehensive lifestyle in which early morning rituals determine the mood of the rest of your day.

On its deepest level, Dinacharya teaches discipline—the bedrock of balance between body and mind. The Hindu practice of an early morning awakening is precisely calibrated with the Brahmamuhurta, a propitious period marked one hour and thirty-six minutes before sunrise. Thereby you get into step with (in tune to) the rising sun. This critical period marks a perceptible change in the energies of the sky–tones tend to become more positive and steady 30 minutes before sunrise. They say that this holy period, the Sattva intellect—the very essence of pure and shining light-is at its height. As such it is the best time to undertake righteous work, seek material gain or concentrate one’s efforts towards reflection on profound Vedic conceptions and self-investigation. Meanwhile, adverse elements are said to be reduced as well. Quieting the mind and creating a suitable environment allergic for meditation help reconstruct mental health while improving one’s ability to think and function intellectually.

Though traditional texts invariably supply definite prayers meant to be said at this time, meditation pretty much covers the essence of the practice whether or not actual prayers are recited. The Dinacharya routine thus includes a daily set of early-morning exercises (often including the excruciating suryanamaskar, or an all-round yoga sequence). A purifying bath or shower, and a nourishing as well as wholesome breakfast are also integrated coherently into this sacred time frame.

These rituals so perfectly fit the cadence of nature that in India, where sunrise and sunset follow a fixed schedule, there is no contradiction. Some early risers practice an early bedtime. They make sure to get the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep every day. Besides affording people a healthy body and mind, this practice also greatly reduces stress levels while imparting an optimistic view of life. Sleep is a great equalizer. High-quality rest serves to unleash an energy surge and cultivate a more systematic sleep period. It lowers blood pressure and muscles relax, rejuvenates the body as a whole.

Getting up early and devoting time to meditation, exercise or a shower along with thoroughly nourishing breakfast can change life from day to day. It provides the preconditions for better performance and a peaceful mind, not limited to religions. It encourages starting the day in a thoroughly clear state of mind, with peace and health by acting one’s way into rightness through decisions made based upon nature.Dinacharya is a way for people of both faiths and backgrounds to lead satisfying lives.